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Summer Sketches

Sketches created on the iPad using an assortment of drawing and painting apps including Zen Brush, Brushes and Percolator. Love using the touch screen tablet. Zen Brush, especially, simulates a lusciously real brush on soft paper experience. It’s become my favorite sketching tool.


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A Delicious Featured Stack

Update 3: 2022 Delicious has been down for a few years after being bought by a few different entities. None of the links in this blog post work, currently. There is some talk of the site being revised again.
Article from Wikipedia about this early social tagging site

Update2: New social pages are rolling out in January, 2013.

Update: In September, 2012, the powers that be decided to do away with the new Stacks and completely re-conceive the site. All stacks were converted to tags.

My “Design” stack was featured on the homepage of today, which is kind of cool. Stacks are a relatively new way to bundle and share weblinks. This stack is a collection of useful links for web or print designers. I will continue to add to it as I find great resources to share., or, as it was once known (the clever URL still resolves), is a social weblink sharing and categorizing site.  I have been it site since 2004, shortly after it went live. Cut my teeth on RSS, tagging and discovered the early social “blogosphere” there.  My “caught in the web” blog category “daily catch” featured many of those early finds. Delicious has been through a few different owners including Yahoo, where it languished while other sites took off.  Lately, they have added the ability to share visual “stacks” of collections of links.

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Running Up That Hill

I’ve been walking through the Tufts campus near my home – for the exercise but also because the pay off is so worth it. Tufts is built in a hilly area that straddles Medford and Somerville. Once at the summit, you can walk out onto the roof of the library and be greeted with an expansive view of the Boston and Cambridge skylines, some of the biggest sky to be found in the area.

Normally, the winters in Massachusetts are quite cold and snowy but this year, despite an early snowfall at Halloween and a few isolated show showers, winter never really arrived. Tufts Hill is also the prime sledding hill for the neighborhood. Bales of protective hay carefully placed in front of each large tree by the ever-busy Tufts maintenance crews just served as a reminder of how unusual this winter was.

The The Tisch Library rooftop garden and open lecture space is called Alex’s Place, named for a student who committed suicide in 2003. It is not an accident that the views from there are soul renewing and awe inspiring. The plantings and structures are simple and manage, at least in my opinion, to deftly tie this special place to the original brutal architecture of the library in an understated but perfectly conceived way.

Most of these images were just taken with my phone. I did bring along my new Nikon a few times. As this mild winter turns to spring, I will continue to trek up that hill and capture the changes. Maybe next year I’ll get to sled down.