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Weirdness ensues… New shop opening soon.
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Web update in progress….
Weirdness ensues… New shop opening soon.
This year, I wanted to step up my designing and sewing skills and present at least 4 pieces to the fashion show associated with Somerville Open Studios. I used the opportunity to get over my lack of confidence as a sewist. I’m primarily a surface pattern designer, but couture and costuming has always fascinated me. Collaborating with fellow artist and Open Studios partner, Linda Jung of Studio Chartreux, we created six outfits. Once again, the experience, the other designers and models, and all of the technical folks involved, were great.
Special thanks to models Honey Pie and Goddamn Glenn, Kristina Kehrer, Linda Viens, Mary Greenfield, Sean O’Brien and Linda Jung. I even strutted down the runway, wearing one of my new maximal skater skirts. A joyous and empowering experience in itself.
Photos by Ron Newman for Somerville Open Studios.
See the Collection and purchase the designs on a variety of substrates at Spoonflower.
Spring 2019 Beyond the Pattern Collection